

This Privacy Policy describes newbb电子平台’s information gathering and dissemination practices for our website:  www.俄亥俄州.edu.  本政策概述了我们可能收集的信息, 我们如何保护它, 我如何使用这些信息, 以及如何选择更改您的信息.  newbb电子平台 does not sell or rent website visitor information and does not share website visitor information except as required by law.


使用我们的网站时, newbb电子平台 may collect and store certain information regarding your use of the website, 包括您访问本网站的IP地址, 域名, 访问网站时使用的浏览器和操作系统类型, 您进入我们网站的网站名称, 日期和时间戳, 的页面, 文件, 您访问或下载的文件和链接, 遇到的任何错误.

newbb电子平台将只收集您的姓名等个人信息, 街道地址, e-mail address and tele电话号码 that you knowingly and voluntarily provide to us. 也, 匿名, non-identifiable personal information is collected through third-party aggregators, 比如谷歌分析, 包括年龄, 性别, 地理信息有限. newbb电子平台 uses the information collected from you for systems administration purposes, 滥用预防, to track user trends to better focus on the needs and interests of our visitors, 促进和促进进一步的交流, 并改善我们网站的功能.



When you view our website, we may store some information on your computer in the form of a cookie.  饼干 allow us to tailor our website to better match your interests and preferences.  饼干 typically collect non-personally identifiable information to better understand the browsing behaviors of all users in order to make online ad experiences more relevant and engaging. 您可以接受或拒绝cookie. 大多数Web浏览器自动接受cookie, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies if you prefer.  如果您选择拒绝cookies, you may not be able to fully experience all features and content of our website.



If you are seeking information from the University and provide us with personally identifiable information, 我们通常只会使用这些信息来回复您的询问, 请求, 或订单.  We may also contact you to provide you with information about newbb电子平台 activities, 项目, 特别活动, 您可能感兴趣的会员资格和发展机会.  我们可能会处理信用卡信息,以便正确地向您的帐户收费, 当可适用, and we may contact you for purposes connected to newbb电子平台’s relationship with you.

如果我们使用您的个人信息与您联系, we will provide you with a method allowing you to opt-out of future communications.  您也可以通过电子邮件与我们联系, 写信或打电话, 在以下联系信息中选择退出未来的通信.

newbb电子平台 will not sell your personally identifiable information and will only share such information about you with third parties when:

  • 我们已征得您的同意分享信息.
  • We need to share your information to provide the service or product you 请求ed.
  • We need to send your information to third parties who work on behalf of newbb电子平台 to provide a service or product.
  • 该信息为符合FERPA法规的目录信息.
  • 我们需要对传票、法院命令或任何其他法律程序做出回应.
  • We find it necessary to protect and defend the legal rights and/or property of newbb电子平台.


newbb电子平台 does not knowingly collect website information from children or minors as defined by the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).



在我们的网站,有非newbb电子平台网站的链接.  当你链接到第三方网站时, you leave newbb电子平台’s website and are no longer subject to our Privacy Policy.  newbb电子平台 is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of non-newbb电子平台 websites, and such links are not intended to be endorsements of those sites or their content.


欧盟一般数据保护条例(EU GDPR)

The EU GDPR provides broad privacy protections to individuals physically located in the European Economic Area.  在某些情况下, the EU GDPR may apply to newbb电子平台’s activities in the European Economic Area.  当受欧盟GDPR约束时, newbb电子平台将遵守GDPR的核心隐私原则, 哪些原则规定个人资料须:

  • 公正的:以合法、公平和透明的方式处理的;
  • 为特定目的收集, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes;
  • Retained only as long as necessary; and
  • 安全.

实现其核心使命, it is essential and necessary for newbb电子平台 to process personal data of its students, 员工, 申请人, 研究对象, 校友, 以及其他参与其教育的人, 研究和社区项目.  为此目的, newbb电子平台出于各种合法原因处理个人信息, 包括, 但不限于, 学术录取和招生, 学生注册, residence life; delivery of classroom, 在线, and study abroad education 项目; administration and oversight  of recreation 项目, 学生组织, and other various student affairs activities; distribution of grades, 材料, 以及学生之间的其他交流, faculty and staff; 就业; applied research, program development and analysis; job hiring and 就业; provision of medical services or health insurance; engagement with the community at-large; compliance with internal policies, 程序, 和指导方针, 以及适用的联邦法律, state and local laws; and record retention.

newbb电子平台处理的个人数据通常包括姓名, address, 电子邮件, 电话号码, 成绩单, 工作经历, 财务信息, 工资单信息, 研究课题信息, 医疗和健康信息(用于入学), 学生健康服务, 旅行, 等.),以及捐款.  If you have specific questions regarding the collection and use of your personal data, 请联系 news@俄亥俄州.edu 或者打740.593.1000.

If a data subject refuses to provide personal data that is required by newbb电子平台 in connection with newbb电子平台’s lawful basis to collect such personal data, such refusal may make it impossible for newbb电子平台 to provide education, 就业, 研究或其他要求的服务.

newbb电子平台 will comply with all its published data protection policies in the processing of an individual’s personal data.



newbb电子平台 keeps the data it collects for the time periods specified in the newbb电子平台留校手册.



既不是newbb电子平台也不是它的任何部门, 项目, 员工, agents or individual trustees shall be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described and/or contained on the website and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information.



通过使用我们的网站, you signify that you agree with terms of our current Privacy Policy as posted in this area of the web site.  如果您不同意本政策的任何条款, 请不要在本网站提供任何个人资料.  如果您没有在本网站提供个人信息, 你可能无法做某些事情, 比如访问网站的特定区域, 请求某些类型的信息, 或者给我们发邮件交流.



Upon 请求, you can review, update and correct the personal information you have provided to us. 要获取这些信息,请通过以下方式与我们联系 news@俄亥俄州.edu 或者打740.593.1000.



我们可能会偶尔决定更改我们的隐私政策, 特别是当我们的网站添加新功能时. 如本政策有变更, we will post those changes here so you are always aware of what information we collect, 以及我们如何使用它. If at any point we decide to use your personal information in a manner different from that stated at the time it was collected, we will notify you and it’s your choice as to whether or not we use your information in this different manner.



If you have any questions about this 隐私声明, 请联系 us as follows:


雅典:OH 45701-2979

我们的电子邮件地址是 news@俄亥俄州.edu. 我们的电话是740.593.1000.




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